Guided walking tour - Elfs - Trolls - Huldufólk - Dwarfs
Summer June-August
Tuesdays and Fridays at 4:30 pm.
Winter Sept-May
Fridays at 4.30 pm and Saturdays at 1 pm.
Request a private tour: siljagu@gmail.com
1 to 1,5 hours.
Strandgata 6 in Hafnarfjördur, only 10 minute drive from Reykjavik. We leave from the Information center.
Price: 6.000 ISK.
Hidden world map included.
Phone +695 9558
Information 〰️
The guide and storyteller
About the tour
About the tour 〰️
The Hidden Worlds walking tour takes you to the homesites of the Hidden people or Huldufólk as the locals call them. It stops at places like Hellisgerði Park that has elfs, gnomes, faries, and a troll. The Dwarf stone is visited on the way that has it’s spot in the older part of town. Along the way, the guide retells stories about the magical hidden world and describes the town's history and it’s development in harmony with the Hidden Folk.
Hafnarfjördur is renowned for having one of Iceland's largest colonies of elves, dwarves, and other spiritual beings, that are collectively called "Huldufólk". Centuries-old folklore says that whole families of these beings live in the rocks that are part of the town's center, and we do not doubt it at all.
Though elves are only visible to those with second sight, most Icelanders believe in their existence and there is much evidence to support this belief. In several places, where new roads or housing developments have been built, and workers attempted to move certain boulders or rocky formations, their equipment strangely malfunctioned or even broke down, not just once, but time and again. This happened without any real explanation, and rather than experience expensive repairs, these rocks have repeatedly been left alone and roads made to curve around them, and building plans have been changed.
Local clairvoyant Erla Stefánsdóttir has prepared a map of the Hidden World as revealed to her by the unique residents.